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Dacia Jogger

Required Age and Experience: Drivers must be at least 22 years old at the time of rental and no older than 65 years old. The minimum driving experience is 2 years. If you do not meet these requirements, the rental agent may refuse to provide a vehicle. Other country licenses are valid for 6 months […]

  • Year: 2022
  • Fuel: Petrol
  • Engine: 1.2 cm3
  • Horsepower: 100 hp
  • Transmission: Manual
  • Seats: 7
  • Price: 120
120.00 €

Peugeot Traveller

Required Age and Experience: Drivers must be at least 22 years old at the time of rental and no older than 65 years old. The minimum driving experience is 2 years. If you do not meet these requirements, the rental agent may refuse to provide a vehicle. Other country licenses are valid for 6 months […]

  • Year: 2022
  • Fuel: Diesel
  • Engine: 2.0 cm3
  • Horsepower: 180 hp
  • Transmission: Automatic
  • Seats: 9
  • Price: 160
160.00 €